Danny Mac


Danny Mac

Danny Mac

Contemporary Romance, Christian Fiction, Fantasy

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    Oct 2020

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    United States

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I like writing about inspirational characters. These people come to me in dreams facing tragedy, problems, and challenges. The protagonist face the difficulty and defeat it. They work, fight, and endure the trial before them and not just overcome the predicament, but flourish afterwards. I wake from the dream admiring the character after living their circumstance in the dream.

I started writing about twenty years ago partially to improve my writing skills, but mostly to bring the characters to life on paper. As I learned to express and illustrate the characters with their personality, my stories went from 500 words with just the facts to 1000 words bringing color of emotion with the depth of the character. It is my goal to inspire others by the stories expressed in my writing. I want to show whether the hero was facing a light hearted mistake or life threatening experience, the individuals of my stories succeed in life.

Whether stories are meant to bring laughter, sorrow, or surprise, they should inspire the reader to believe there is an end to their current adverse situation and they will survive to make a better life. This state of success is fleeting because life happens and there are always new dilemmas facing them. You know what, the previous tribulations only strengthen you for the next set of difficulties. Hopefully my stories can help people get through life with joy, love, and peace in their heart.

Danny Mac Books

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